Life paths
Network Community
Architect, with a PhD in Environmental Design, and a Professor at Sapienza University of Rome in Rome, Italy.
Alessandro Pollini
Interaction Designer and Researcher
Maria Iale
Doctoral Program in Architecture, Design and Media Technology. Aalborg University in Denmark offers challenging educations, dynamic research and unique possibilities for innovative cooperation.
Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture
The Aalto School of Arts, Design and Architecture is a Nordic leader in higher education for design, fashion, games, media, architecture, film, art education and art. We produce world-class research in art education, design and design thinking, digital media and visual culture, urban planning, architecture and landscape architecture. We educate students to be global citizens, contributing to their communities with imaginative, collaborative, compassionate and unconventional approaches to some of the most pressing challenges facing the world today.
University of Borås, The Swedish School of Textiles
The Swedish School of Textiles is one of its kind in Sweden and one among a few institutions of higher education in the world that within its facilities has a full-scale textile-manufacturing environment.
VIA University College, Design+Business
VIA Design & Business
Vilnius Academy of Arts
Elisava Barcelona School of Design and Engineering
Design and Engineering
Northumbria University, School of Design
School of Design
Design School Kolding
University of Lapland
Faculty of Art and Design
IADE, Universidade Europeia
Srishti Manipal Institute of Art Design and Technology
Srishti Manipal Institute of Art, Design and Technology
BAU, Design College of Barcelona
College of Arts and Design
LUCA School of Arts / Associated Faculty of the Arts KU Leuven
Faculty of the Arts
University of Limerick
School of Design
Torrens University Australia
Design and Creative Technology